Electrical Contractor OChoice



Clients - Relationship Based "The People"
We believe that our projects come from the successful completion of previous projects with individual people and that these people will provide future work for our company. This is why we go the extra mile to satisfy our clients with the focus on "The People".

Employees - Team Players
We believe that "team Player" is an employee that contributes to the success of the total company through cooperation with other employees, flexibility when it is required and buys into / support the "Team Story".

Vendors/SC - Relationships Through Honesty
We believe that our vendors and subcontractors are a major part of our success story and that without fair, honest relationships with these people we would not have the competitive pricing nor the support to complete in our markets.

Industry - Reputation Through Performance
 We believe that our reputation has been built on performance. Performance is defined by our ability to create solutions for our clients by overcoming all obstacles in the pursuit of successful project.

Vision - ECOC        Electrical Contractor  O f   Choice

Clients - ECOC - They will prefer us!
By placing our Clients first, they will prefer us and provide the projects that we need.

Employees - ECOC - They will want to work for us!
By creating the "Team Player" atmosphere, we attract the employees we need.

Vendors / SC - ECOC - They will value us!
When our vendors and subcontractors "Value Us", they will provide pricing and support to allow PME to satisfy our clients' needs by creating the solutions we seek.

Industry - ECOC - They will believe in us!
The Labor Unions, local Utility Companies and other related organizations must believe in us. These recommendations are key to our success.

(209) 939-3222


(209) 939-3225

CA License# 701614

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